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Looking for a roommate in a cozy house in Genk

Type of cohouse

Private room + shared house

Personal space

The room is white with 1 brown accent wall. Furniture option to take over, not necessary. Spacious room in the house.

Common parts

Cozy house just outside the center of Genk, 10 -15 minutes walk to the center. Spacious kitchen and living room. Living room has a lot of light. Private garden available. Spacious entrance hall, stairs lead to three rooms + bathroom.
Of which two rooms + guest room/hobby room/storage space + bathroom.

Parking available

Washing machine + vacuum cleaner available.

House is furnished, option to bring your own furniture in consultation with what is already present/in consultation. Current housemate brings back some things.


  • Kitchens: 1
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Private-furnished
  • Garden/patio
  • Washing machine
  • Internet/Wifi
  • Free parking
In nature